Spring releases - 14 Oct 22

We are excited to announce that our 2022 Rosé was bottled yesterday, and will be ready for release shortly. It just needs a little time to get over its "bottle shock".
The Rosé joins our 2022 Pinot Gris and 2022 Sauvignon Blanc for the line up of our Spring releases - we are delighted with them all and it is looking as though 2022 could be a stellar year for our wines.
The eagle eyed amongst you will have noticed that the 2022 vintage has a new label - we are very pleased with its appearance, whilst the changes we have made are not huge we feel it has more 'presence' and is clearer and hence easier to read.
We also bottled the 2022 Duffers Creek Riesling yesterday - but this is one you will have to wait a while to try.
A quick heads up to any one reading this who is in our Cellar Club we are about to do our Spring phone campaign so you might get a phone call before the end of the month offering some specials on our wines, including the new releases.