Pruning complete - let the new vintage begin. - 4 Oct 15
I can't believe October has arrived already but for us at Domain Road this marks the beginning of a new vintage. Throughout the winter Fiona and her small team have been pruning the vines in what is often very cold weather. We also take this time to make any repairs around the vineyards and prepare more vines for our undervine weeder as part of our organics programme. One of our team, Martin, has been recording the year's work and I have added some of his photos here. Thanks Fiona, Jarek, Ladka, Sam and Martin.
Fiona pruning our riesling after a snow fall.
Not only cold but some of the cuts are hard work. Here Martin is removing some old wood in preparation of laying down a new cane.
Jarek and Sam at Domain Road, it might be cold every day but at least it is often clear and sunny.
Our Defiance vineyard on Felton Road after a snow storm. Thankfully we don't get lots of these.